Types of Braces And Dental Appliances Used Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a category in dentistry that corrects the positioning of teeth and jaws inside the mouth. Crooked or misaligned teeth pose a challenge during cleaning and are also at a higher risk of tooth decay and periodontal diseases. Misaligned teeth can also cause extra stress on chewing muscles which might lead to headaches, neck and shoulder pains. Crooked teeth can also detract from one's appearance. The advantages of orthodontic treatments include a healthy mouth, a more attractive appearance and the teeth might also last for a longer time. A dentist can recommend the following types of braces and appliances so as to help correct the shape of the teeth.

1. Traditional Braces

With the advancement in technology over the years, traditional braces have been modified and are now lighter in weight and structure. They are made from a high-quality grade of stainless steel and have brackets which are attached to the tooth using a special type of adhesive material (cement). The metal brackets are then connected together with a thin wire which puts pressure on the teeth making them move gradually to the preferred position. These wires are connected together to the brackets by use of a material known as ligaments which the dentist's changes regularly to tighten the further.

2. Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are similar to metal except that they are tooth colored or have clear brackets so as to blend in with the color of the teeth. Ceramic are less visible to others and this makes them popular for adults who need their teeth aligned without changing their appearance. Ceramic braces were introduced back in 1980's when the idea of less visible came about. The braces are tough and do not get stains as easily as they used to thanks to innovation and technological advancement.

3. Damon Braces

There has been a rise in popularity in the use of Damon because the braces provide gentler treatment and require only a few dental examination. These braces are self-ligating and employ the use of a slide mechanism to adjust itself, unlike others which require elastics to connect the wires. Damon produce a faster result because of the sliding mechanism. This causes minimum friction during adjustments and it's, therefore, less painful. The braces are very easy to clean and will save you the costs of visiting the dentists more check-ups and maintenance.

4. Invisalign

You can ask a dentist in Rockville for Invisalign which is basically a clear aligner that is used as an alternative to metal or Damon braces. Rockville Invisalign involves the use of aligners which are mainly made of plastics materials that resemble a mouth guard that can be custom-made for you. You can remove the aligners during eating or clean your teeth. Aligners can also be changed regularly that is within a period of two weeks. Each aligner that is replaced takes the adjustment of the teeth a step further.
Source : Click here.


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